Tuesday 14 February 2012


Uploaded by  on Feb 12, 2012
 Den 31. august 2011 fyldte Kidds bedste ven Jamel Sundoo 20 år og derfor optog vi den her som en kærlighed erklæring. Det var ikke engang meningen at det her skulle offentliggøres. At vi her for lidt siden har måtte sige farvel til en af verdens bedste sangerinder er frygteligt og dette skal ikke forstås som andet end en stor spand kærlighed. 
 Whitney, vi elsker dig. Du var den største. 1 kærlighed.
On 31 August 2011 Kidd's best friend Jamel Sundoo turned 20 and therefore we recorded this video as a love letter. It was not even supposed to be published. Wjust have to say goodbye to one of the worlds best singers. It would be terrible if this should be construed as anything other than a big bucket of love.
 Whitney, we love you. You were the greatest. 1 love.

I think this issue is bigger than Whitney Huston. Danish "hip pop artists", Pato and Kidd, see this as a fitting tribute to a deceased human being. The more I think about it the more I see it as mockery and disrespect. They are entitled to their opinion as am I.

Never mind the matter of Whitney Huston being dead or alive. A classic ballad, which has become her tademark, has been butchered to bits. I can relate to their logic, "imitation is the highest form of flattery", and Kidd was singing a love letter to Jamel, but it is just a brutal rendition.
 If that's the best Kidd has to offer, so be it. Everyone is entitled to express themselves. 

Pato is capable of much higher forms of expression than this. I believe he is extremely talented and am a fan of his music, in particular the song "Nighthawks." How can one who produced that  level of art decay to justifying this, "big bucket of...", as a tribute to a great legend of music?

Whitney was a true artist, despite battling personal demons. She was blessed with talent and took the time to master her art. She loved and respected her craft and in return her work was loved and respected by music fans.

In contrast Kidd's cover wasn't worth publishing while she was alive. The video pays no homage to her or the music. Now that she's dead, not even buried, is it o.k. to post it as a memorial? Whitney can't even do the proverbial spin in her grave because they haven't even put her cold body 6 feet under.  "Half-steppin.'"

 August 9, 1963 – February 11, 2012  
It's easy to show love with a few mouse clicks, a repost and a quick comment. It's not exactly blood, sweat and tears for the sake of art. At the very least they could have re-recorded the song,  put alittle soul into it and dedicated it to WhitneyThey should have come correct, I sincerely hope they do so in the future.

Our mortality should be a unifying factor for humanity. Anyone who respects that would understand that posting this video at this time could be interpreted as bad judgement.


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